Workout, Happening, and Updates at Crossfit 4551
WOD Friday 06/09/2024
4 Rounds for time:25ft Handstand walk or bear crawl25 Pull-ups25ft Handstand walk or bear crawl25
WOD Thursday 05/09/2024
A) Every 2mins x 5rds:10 Bench press Rest 5mins then, B) For time:100 Shoulder to
WOD Wednesday 04/09/2024
E4MOM x 8rds for time:Min 0-8-16-24:Run 200m25 Wallball shots, 9kg to 10ft (6kg to 9ft)
WOD Tuesday 03/09/2024
“Tuesday Chipper” Individually or in pairs complete the following, For time:Row 1km100 Double unders10 Deadball
WOD Monday 02/09/2024
A) Every 2mins x 5rds:3 Front squats -From the racks. B) 2-4-6-8-10 reps for time
WOD Saturday 31/08/2024
“Lazar Dukic” Individually or in pairs complete the following, For time: 3 rounds: 28 DB Alternating Snatches,
WOD Friday 30/08/2024
Peform one set every 2mins:Split jerk7-7-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 -From the racks. Post loads for working sets to
WOD Thursday 29/08/2024
“Evil Knievel” 5 x 3min Amraps:3 Barbell evil wheels, (knees)6 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 52.5kg
WOD Wednesday 28/07/2024
A) At the 0:00:Every minute on the minute for 18mins:Min 1: 15 (12) Calorie rowMin
WOD Tuesday 27/08/2024
A) Every 2mins x 5rds:Thrusters 3-2-1-1-1 -From the racks. B) In pairs complete the following,
WOD Monday 26/08/2024
4 Rounds for time:15 Deadlift Run 300m10 Hang Power Cleans Run 200m5 Shoulder to Overhead
WOD Saturday 24/08/2024
“Jerry Swinger” Individually or in pairs complete the following For time:75 Wallball shots, 9kg to
WOD Friday 23/08/2024
“Pace And Brace” For time:100-80-60-40-20 Reps:Double unders 2:30-2:00-1:30-1:00-0:30 Mins/secs:Plank hold 10-8-6-4-2 Reps:Overhead squats, 60kg (42.5kg)
WOD Thursday 22/08/2024
A) EMOM x 7rds for ONE total load (kg):1 Power clean Rest 3mins then, B)
WOD Wednesday 21/08/2024
A) Every 2mins x 5rds:10-8-6-4-2 reps,Barbell back rack lunges -From the racks. B) In pairs