Workout, Happening, and Updates at Crossfit 4551
WOD Tuesday 29/10/2024
Every 3mins x 10rds complete the following, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the strength ladder:Push jerk -From
WOD Monday 28/10/2024
“Chad Prep #5” 10min EMOM:Min 1: 20 Alternating box step-ups, 20″Min 2: 7 x 15m
WOD Saturday 26/10/2024
“Crossfit Total” Back squat, 1 repShoulder press, 1 repDeadlift, 1 rep You have a maximum
WOD Friday 25/10/2024
With a continuous running clock, At the 0:00:A) EMOM for 5mins:5-1 Reps of:Weighted pull-ups B)
WOD Thursday 24/10/2024
“Fight Gone Bad” 3 rounds for max reps of:1 minute of Wallball shots1 minute of Sumo deadlift
WOD Wednesday 23/10/2024
For time:1 Round of:30 Push jerks15 Ring dips3 Rope ascents, (15ft) 2 Rounds of:20 Push
WOD Tuesday 22/10/2024
“Annie With a Twist” In 20 minutes:For time:50-40-30-20-10Double-unders25-20-15-10-5Toes-to-bars*Complete 3 snatches after each round Then, in
WOD Monday 21/10/2024
At the 0:00:Every 2mins x 3rds:10 Hang power cleans At the 10:00 complete:For time:25 Hang
WOD Saturday 19/10/2024
“Chad Prep #4” Choose one of the following options, Option 1:30min EMOM:Min 1: 10 Dumbbell
WOD Friday 18/10/2024
With a continuous clock, On the 0:00:For time:50 Echo bike calories On the 5:00:20-16-12-8-4 reps
WOD Thursday 17/10/2024
Every 2mins x 10rds – for load and effort: A) Bent over barbell row5-4-3-2-1 *Superset
WOD Wednesday 16/10/2024
For total reps – 25min clock:From 0:00-10:00:EMOM of:5 Dumbbell facing burpeesMax reps, alternating dumbbell hang
WOD Tuesday 15/10/2024
With a 20min continuous running clock, From 0:00-8:00:Ascending ladder in 8mins:1 Handstand push-up1 Calorie row
WOD Monday 14/10/2024
With a continuous running clock, At the 0:00:A) Every 3mins x 4rds:Thrusters7-5-3-1 At the 15:00:B)
WOD Saturday 12/10/2024
Individually or in pairs complete the following, 10rds for time – (You go I go):1