Workout, Happening, and Updates at Crossfit 4551
WOD Friday 02/08/2024
Choose one of the following, “DT” 5 Rounds for time – (15min cap):12 Deadlifts9 Hang
WOD Thursday 01/08/2024
For time:20-18-16-14-12 reps:Alternating single arm dumbbell devils presses 10-8-6-4-2 reps:Alternating dumbbell turkish get-ups *Perform 50
WOD Wednesday 31/07/2024
Complete each section for reps:From 0-4mins:Run 400mMax reps, Push-ups From 4-8mins:Run 400mMax reps, Air squats
WOD Tuesday 30/07/2024
“The Big Bender #2” EMOM for 5mins:5 Touch and go, Snatches Rest 1min EMOM for
WOD Monday 29/07/2024
“Steam Engine” For time:3rds of:10 Back squats @ weight #15 Bar muscle-ups Straight into, 2rds
WOD Saturday 27/07/2024
“Partner-upper-er” In pairs complete the following, For time:10m Handstand walk (each)25 Partner deadlifts, 160kg (120kg)50
WOD Friday 26/07/2024
Choose one of the following, “Helen” 3 Rounds for time:Run 400m21 Kettlebell swings, 24kg (16kg)12
WOD Thursday 25/07/2024
A) Every 2mins x 8rds:Front squats10-10-7-7-4-4-1-1 -From the racks. Rest 2mins then, B) In pairs
WOD Wednesday 24/07/2024
“Adrian” 7 Rounds for time:3 Forward rolls5 Wall climbs7 Toes to bar9 Box-jumps, 30″ (24″)
WOD Tuesday 23/07/2024
“20 Minute Cleanse” Every minute on the minute for 20mins:Min 1: 6 Clean and jerks,
WOD Monday 22/07/2024
Every 3mins x 10 sets complete: Bench press1-5-1-10-1-15-1-10-1-5 Perform a max effort of the following
WOD Saturday 20/07/2024
“Texas Hold’em” In pairs complete the following, 6 x 3min Rounds for reps – (18min
WOD Friday 19/07/2024
A) Every 2mins x 10rds:10-8-6-4-2Barbell front rack lunges -From the racks. B) Weighted pull-ups5-4-3-2-1 -Strict
WOD Thursday 18/07/2024
In 2:30 minutes: 10 (7) Calorie echo bike10 Burpees over the barIn remaining time, max
WOD Wednesday 17/07/2024
As many rounds as possible in 15mins:5 Power snatches, 52.5kg (35kg)10 Box-jumps, 24″ (20″)200m Run