Workout, Happening, and Updates at Crossfit 4551
WOD Monday 26/08/2024
4 Rounds for time:15 Deadlift Run 300m10 Hang Power Cleans Run 200m5 Shoulder to Overhead
WOD Saturday 24/08/2024
“Jerry Swinger” Individually or in pairs complete the following For time:75 Wallball shots, 9kg to
WOD Friday 23/08/2024
“Pace And Brace” For time:100-80-60-40-20 Reps:Double unders 2:30-2:00-1:30-1:00-0:30 Mins/secs:Plank hold 10-8-6-4-2 Reps:Overhead squats, 60kg (42.5kg)
WOD Thursday 22/08/2024
A) EMOM x 7rds for ONE total load (kg):1 Power clean Rest 3mins then, B)
WOD Wednesday 21/08/2024
A) Every 2mins x 5rds:10-8-6-4-2 reps,Barbell back rack lunges -From the racks. B) In pairs
WOD Tuesday 20/08/2024
As many rounds as possible in 20mins:5 L-pull-ups10 Dumbbell bench press, 22.5kg (15kg)Run 150m Rx’d+
WOD Monday 19/08/2024
With a 30min clock work through the following, A) At the 0:00:“Randy”For time:75 Power snatches,
WOD Saturday 17/08/2024
Individually or in pairs complete the following, Each section for reps:From 0-3mins:Max calories, (your choice)
WOD Friday 16/08/2024
A) Every 2mins x 5rds of the sequence for load:2 Deadlifts2 Hang cleans2 Push press
WOD Thursday 15/08/2024
As many rounds as possible in 7mins:3-6-9-12-15…. reps of:Calorie Echo bike15 Box-jumps, 24″ (20″) Rest
WOD Wednesday 14/08/2024
Every minute on the minute for 30mins: For max reps:Min 1: 10m Sled push shuttlesMin
WOD Tuesday 13/08/2024
“Carried Away” 4 Rounds for time:50m Farmers carry, 2 x 24kg (2 x 16kg) kettlebellsRun
WOD Monday 12/08/2024
Every 3mins x 10rds:1-5-10-1-15-1-10-1-5Back squats -From the racks. Superset with an all out effort with
WOD Saturday 10/08/2024
“Operation Red Wings” Individually or in pairs complete the following, For time:Run 1200m Then 16rds
WOD Friday 09/08/2024
A) Every 2mins x 5rds:Sumo deadlift10-8-6-4-2 -Touch and go reps. B) Amrap in 10mins:7sec L-sit