On a 30min clock work through the following,
At the 0:00 complete:
A) Every 3mins x 3rds:
One max rep effort, movement (your choice)
1.) Strict chest to bar pull-ups
2.) Strict ring muscle-ups
At the 10:00 complete:
B) 3 x 5min Amraps:
5 Deadlifts, 102kg (70kg)
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
15 Hand release push-ups
Rest precisely 2:30mins between rounds.
Rx’d+ = 125kg (85kg)
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 93kg (60kg)
Masters 60yrs+ = 70kg (47.5kg)/ Jumping C2BP
Post reps completed (A), rounds, reps (B) and options to comments.